

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Blame it on my Husband

I sat down yesterday and wrote out our family Christmas. All the little details I'll forget as time zooms past us. I finished and was just gonna add a few of our favorite pictures from the day, I got up to snag the camera and realized it wasn't where it normally is! Short panic attack later I remembered we headed down to the hospital last Monday {As a precaution and everything checked out just fine with baby Tait} and my sweet sweet Hubby had packed up all of our hospital needs in case we were going to be staying! So his car is ready for baby time but that means all the pictures are with the camera thats in his car. I had every intention of going and grabbing it real quick just to down load the Christmas pictures but you know how that goes when your 39 weeks pregnant! YOU FORGET ;] Well and it was pouring down rain outside. I swear I forget everything these days if its not pregnancy brain then its mom brain ha ha! The point to this little ramble is basically I have a Christmas post and I will be sharing it, it just might not be until after the baby has arrived. With my due date in a week anything can happen so no promises but if I happen to remember I will finish that post!!

In other news, I was gonna type out the last month of this pregnancy and then it dawned on me, I'll need to snap a picture! It sounds so simple and in reality it is when you don't feel like you have a giant beach ball attached to the front of you ;P So since it is always easier to fault some one else ;] We're just gonna blame it on my Husband! I Love you Baby!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

8 Month Bumpdate {Baby Tait 3}

8 Months {31-35 weeks}

Sleep: Oh how I miss sleep. I'm right at that pregnancy insomnia part, so some nights I lay in bed for an hour or two before I fall back asleep.

Movement: All The Time!! And it is so painful, baby likes to see how far he can push my hips apart or push with an elbow in my hip and a knee in my side! It feels great -_- {Note Sarcasm}

Cravings: Still all things red meat!! If J would let me have stake and burgers every meal I sooooo would :]

Anything making you sick: Nope, Praise the Lord! But I still have a super bionic nose. Just the other morning Miss KG was a crossed the room and I told J she needed a diaper change that she was dirty. He looked at me like I was crazy but checked her and sure enough I was right Ha!

Best moment: Thanksgiving weekend with our family! Lots of yummy food is every pregnant girls dream and of course decorating for Christmas. I have a feeling this will be the best Christmas yet ;]

Looking forward to: Christmas and everything that comes with this special season. And we have another ultra sound scheduled so seeing the babe will be nice! I don't anticipate finding out the gender though cause the last time we tried all we could see was a foot!! This baby is determined to be a surprise.

Nursery: Still no progress, but many ideas have been thrown around as to what we want to do. Granted most of them are boy ideas ha! But at least we have two names picked out!!

Bellybutton: In and flat, also looking super stretched I'm thinking this baby is bigger then the girls were. Especially since the Dr. want to keep an eye on his growth!

Rings: On and no swelling as of yet so I'm pretty sure they're staying on.

Mood: Happy, excited, but also a little nervous! Both the girls were on the smaller side and labor was a breeze. Just a few pushes and they were here. If this baby is bigger I'm a little nervous for how pushing this time around is going to go!

Labor signs: Contractions but still just randomly through out the day. Also been feeling some pressure since baby is already so low, as well as the dreaded hip pain. I told J just the other day that I waddle and he tried really hard not to laugh but in true Husband fashion failed miserably ;]

What I miss: Just being able to do simple things like picking up toys or giving the girlies baths with out feeling like I just finished a marathon. And lately I've been to tired to get up and make dinner which makes me feel so awful. {Oh Mom/Wife guilt}

Symptoms: Back pain, hip pain, lots of pressure, and contractions. Both girls were about a week late but J doesn't think I'll have to worry about that this time around! We're actually praying I make it to a full 40 weeks!

Prayer for baby: Father, I am so grateful you have blessed us with another sweet baby to call our own. You continue to bless us daily and we couldn't be more thankful for all your many blessings. We pray that this baby will continue to grow and develop right on track with no complications, as well as pray baby doesn't get to big. I pray for a smooth birth like the last two but ultimately I trust your will Lord and have faith you will see it through. We pray this baby will also stay safe in the womb until he is full term. We thank you again for everything you have given us and pray we can in turn bless others. Thank you for our beautiful girls and this sweet little mystery baby. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

7 Month Bumpdate {Baby Tait 3}

7 Months {27-30 Weeks}

Sleep: Hit or miss, some nights I sleep like the dead but other nights I toss and turn all night. Then of course I feel like I got only a few hours of sleep :|

Movement: ALL THE TIME!! And its super painful. I still got another 10 weeks and I'm not sure how this baby can get any bigger!

Cravings: Steak! I seriously want all the steak!! If it has red meat in it I am all about it.

Anything making you sick: Hooray, Ive reach my 8th Month and I've finally stopped randomly gaging at smells!

Best moment: Dressing the Bump up and taking the girls Trick or Treating! We all had so much fun.

Looking forward to: Thanksgiving and all the food that comes with that! And our 5 year anniversary dinner! The Hubs is taking me to the Melting Pot and I seriously can't wait!!

Nursery: Sadly the only progress I've made is moving all of KG's clothes into their room. the dresser and rocker still need to be sanded and painted! Its just so hard to be motivated to finish when we don't really know what we are gonna do with that space! I'm sure I'll be in crazy decorating mode once we know the gender ;]

Bellybutton: Stretched and flat! My bellybutton has never popped out lol!

Wedding rings: On

Mood: Happy, excited, nervous.

Labor signs: Still having some painful contractions and every once in a while they are the back labor variety {I had back labor with KG and it is the worst kinda labor in my opinion}

What I miss: Just not being so full and stretched! I tell J daily that I feel like a stuffed turkey!

Symptoms: Heart burn!! Its seriously the worst this time around, but rib pain is a very close second. Also static pain and hip pain. Pretty much just a pregnant ball of sore achy places! But It is so worth it to hold this little babe when its all done and over!!

Prayer for Baby: Father, I just pray for a healthy baby! And if that baby is on the smaller side with its sisters that would be all the better! I pray for strong developed lungs and a healthy heart and brain! I really want to keep this baby safe in utero until January, I pray these contractions don't pick up or get any more consitant until its completely safe for baby to come! I ask all these things in your sons name Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Halloween Tait Style

I really wanted to post this a week ago but I just recently got our pictures back! But better late then never right ;]

Our Halloween started off the way all Halloweens should start off! A trip for donuts!! We loaded the girls up in their Skeleton pjs and headed in town to Krispy Kreme. As usual they didn't disappoint. The girls even scored free Halloween donuts for being dressed up. Donuts and milk made for one happy family!

After stuffing our faces we headed to pick up the meat for dinner, per request from the baby we were making Carne Asada!!!! {Spoiler alert: It was amazing and I'm pretty sure we still have some left overs ;| } The girlies played and napped while we waited for family to show up. PaPa went to pick up their new quad earlier and decided to bring it over to ride around as the girls Trick or Treated. So naturally Daddy had to take the girls for a test drive :]

 Thats his game face! Rides are serious business around here!

Kynslie loved every minute of her few rides, she is most definitely our little thrill seeker. Miss Kena was happier hanging out with PaPa. Once everyone got to our house we got dinner going and then got all the littles dressed before we headed out to get some treats. 

Kynslie chose their costumes a few months ago and I wasn't sure if she was gonna stick to it but she did and I love how they turned out! Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck are the best of friends just like our sweet girls so it was very fitting. Miss Faith was the sweetest Cinderella in all the land. I mean just look at that grin. Next year should be even more fun with another little babe and Miss Faith chasing after her older cousins! 

And of course I dressed up the bump as well! It was the best Halloween yet, Now who's ready for turkey ;] Cause this girl sure is!!!

6 Month Bumpdate {Baby Tait 3}

So this is like a month late and the only real reason is I just never got a picture ha! ;] but I decided oh well at least I have all the details done. Here is my super late 6 month update, just in time for me to post my 7 month update! {Don't worry I got a picture this time!!} Thats right I have finally reached the 8 month and the count down has begun!

6 Months {22-26 Weeks}

Sleep: Hit or miss, I have a hard time getting back to sleep if I wake up to pee.

Movement: All The TIME! This baby is a squirmer but so were the other two :]

Cravings: Meat still! Especially steak.

Anything make you sick: Everything and nothing lol I will just randomly gag at least two times a day.

Best Moment: Getting our New car! We finally went and got a bigger vehicle{Our current car would not have fit a third car seat!} I'm super excited to finally have a second vehicle and one that can fit us all!!

Looking forward to: Halloween with the bump and girlies, all things Holidays, and putting the nursery together!

Nursery: Not much has changed in the last month, but I need to sand and paint the changing table and rocker. I'm hoping I'll get an energy boost this month and be able to tackle those two things.

Bellybutton: In but looking more flat and stretched everyday.

Wedding rings: On, I didn't have to take them off with either of the girls so I don't think I'll have to this time either.

Mood: Way Happy as long as I get sleep haha

Labor signs: Still having random contractions but nothing that makes me worry about preterm labor.

What I miss: Being able to easily turn over in bed and get up off the couch ;]

Symptoms:  Sore everything ;] slight pressure if I've been on my feet to long. And of course the crazy awful heartburn! Seriously, everything gives me heartburn even water!! All I have to say about that is this kid better have some hair ha ;]

Prayer for baby: Father, I just pray that our sweet baby will continue to grow and develop with no complications or issues. I also have my Glucose test on Friday and I pray everything goes good and I won't have to go back down for the three hour test. Thank you for all them many blessings you have given our family this month and we hope we might be able to bless others around us. I pray all these  things in your sons name Jesus Christ Amen.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Miss K Turns 3!

For Kynslie's third birthday we decided to plan a fun Under the Sea themed splash pad party!! It was actually the easiest birthday party to plan and decorate so far, and that's saying something considering I've been pregnant while planning three of the last four birthday parties for the girlies! :]
So we started with a super cute invite for all our friends and family and then I started getting decorations ready!

On Party day we got to the splash pad right when it opened cause tables were on a first come bases. Then started to decorate! It was super windy which meant decorations didn't go as planned but It was still a good time! Except for the fact that I forgot the camera!! I was able to get some shots with my phone and Kynslie had a blast and thats really what matters!

 Lets Eat Cake!

Her Birthday Outfit!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kenalie's Overnight Hospital Stay

I had every intention of posting about Miss KB's Birthday party and then last weekend happened! Friday started out some what normal and I say some what normal because Kena girl fell back asleep after she woke up which doesn't usually happen. We had bible study the night before so I just chalked it up to no enough sleep last night. Poor girl passed out on Daddy's gear bag in our room.

I got up with Kyns and got her some breakfast then started on the dishes. I was hoping to get the house picked up before J got off work. It was predicted to be as easy day and he was expecting to get off early. I hear some coughing and look up from the sink to see Kena choking on green slime! I rush over and start wiping her mouth and telling Kynslie to get sissy's drink. At about that time poor Kena starts screaming, I pretty sure she was just freaked out and not hurt but with nonverbal babies you can never be positive. I get her to take a sip and strip her pjs off. At this point I wasn't sure what the green stuff was cause it didn't smell like throw up but we didn't have anything green that she could have gotten into. It was until an hour or so later that i found the puke pile that I knew for sure she had gotten sick. After i got her cleaned up and changed her diaper she had a bit of a freak out moment. I call it that cause we still don't really know what it was or why she was doing it. But she proceeded to scream and wiggle around. She wouldn't let me hold her and just kind of became a puddle on the floor. At this point I called J telling him she was acting very strange and I was a little worried. He said call the Doctor and get her an appointment. So I called the Doctor and explained what was going on and they wanted to see her with in the hour. That of course freaked me out cause normally they just squeeze us in at some point in the day. I then called J back and said you need to get home asap they want to see her as soon as we can get there, which again freaked him out as well. All the while Kena is still screaming her poor little head off. It took about 15 minutes for all of that to happen and then she started to calm down. She climbed into my lap and started to fall asleep. Which was so not her normal. So back on the phone I got with the Doctor just to make sure it was okay to let her sleep.

After getting the okay to let her sleep, I started to get Kynslie and myself ready to go. Halfway through that Miss KB woke her sister up {Big Sisters gotta love them!} and we she noticed me eating she wanted some. I was a little nervous but she was hungry so I gave her some cereal thinking that was the lightest meal I could give her at the time. Daddy got home and we loaded up and headed out {At this point we only had the one vehicle, more on that in a different post :) } On the way to the Doctor Kena seemed more like herself and I started to second guess myself a little thinking maybe I had over reacted{Mom guilt at its finest} Then she started acting very weird! She started spacing out and making strange eye movements. She appeared dazed and sleepy almost as if she was drugged and fighting to stay awake. So of course we both begin to panic a little. She falls asleep just as we get to the office but wakes up as I pull her out. We get back to see the Doctor an explain to him whats going on and he takes a look at her and says he'd feel better if we took her to the Children's Hospital just to be safe. Back in the car we get and head straight to Cardons, However five minutes from the Hospital and Kena's small breakfast decides to make a reappearance. I pretty happy to note that I climbed in the back seat and cleaned most of it up with out throwing up as well. Which if you know anything about this third pregnancy you'd know thats pretty impressive considering I still gag at random food smells!

We get her into triage and talk to the Doctor and the nurses and lots of possibilities are thrown around but until they get some test results they just don't know exactly whats going on. So we start the long process of getting the test done. Ultrasound, x-rays, blood work and a urine sample. All those sound pretty simple and not to bad except when they have to be preformed on a tiny 17 month old. There is nothing worse then holding you screaming baby down so they can get these test done. The worst of all had to be the IV. It took 3 nurses plus me, three attempts and one blown vain. Needless to say it was awful and from that point on anytime anyone in scrubs walked into the room Kena would freak out clime in my lap and hold my neck in a death grip :( So heart breaking! All of that to find out everything looked good other then her being very dehydrated. So We were admitted for the night so they could pump her full of fluid. So I stayed with Kena While Daddy went home to Kyns, who had been picked up by Papa shortly after we got to the hospital. Kena had a light dinner of fruit and graham crackers and passed out around 9. She slept most of the night and woke up her normal smily and wild self! We were sent home later that morning with instructions to keep pushing fluids and told she probably just had a small virus.

We got home and did just that pushed fluids and relaxed. However later that night poor Miss KB threw up! At that point we knew it was a tummy bug that Kena had caught and now big sister was gonna battle it! I'm happy to report we didn't need to head to the Hospital for Kyns and as of today they are both doing great! Unfortunately the same can't be said for my sweet niece. She was admitted to Cardons late Monday night, with a very high fever and dehydration. They are hopping to go home today as her fever has finally broke and stayed away. Prayers they will be home tonight and thank you for all those who were praying with us. They were definitely felt and we are so grateful to have healthy babies again!